Day 16: Character Strings


An amazingly common programming task is doing various operations on strings. This chapter looks at character strings, collections of ASCII characters stored in contiguous memory locations and taken as one entity. But the interesting thing is that you could consider all data structures stored contiguously, like arrays, pictures, multibyte integers, etc. as kinds of strings. And the techniques you will soon learn apply almost equally to each.

String Types

I said “characters stored in contiguous memory locations” — almost sounds like the definition of an array of characters. That’s quite true, but technically a character array is not a string because arrays have a fixed size. Real strings are able to change their length at runtime (up to a limit, of course).
Since these variable-length strings can contain any number of bytes, it’s length must be recorded somehow. There are numerous ways to do this, but the two most popular are LBPS (length-byte prefixed strings) and NBTS (null-byte terminated strings). NBTS you have seen before, you follow the string by the value zero:

    .DB    "Hello", 0

LBPS precedes the string with the number of characters.

    .DB    5, "Hello"

While both methods have their advantages over the other, the length-prefixing method is much better than null-termination. One major point in its favor is that almost every string function needs the length of the string (actually it would be more truthful to say that they become easier to write). For LBPS this is nothing, you just fetch the first byte. With NTBS you have to scan the entire string looking for zero, keeping track of the number of characters processed. This takes considerably more time and processing power. Aside from this, NTBS can’t contain the null-character (which admittedly is not all that big of a deal).

To be fair, LBPS can’t be more than 255 characters in size unless you use two bytes for the index. Although, you’ll rarely have a need for strings larger than 255 bytes. Another good side of NTBS is that they’re easy to declare, since all you have to do is add a zero. It can be tedious to count all the characters, and in a long string you could mis-count, and that’s never fantastic.

String Instructions

With so many string operations, it’s a shame that the Z80 is almost bereft of string instructions. In fact, there are only two string primitive instructions, and four variations.

LDI: Loads value stored at (HL) into (DE). Then, HL and DE are incremented, and BC is decremented.
not affected
not affected
reset if BC becomes zero, set otherwise
not affected
CPI: Compares the accumulator with the value stored at (HL). Then, HL is incremented, and BC is decremented.
affected by A - (HL)
affected by A - (HL)
reset if BC becomes zero, set otherwise
not affected

These two instructions have a version that works in the opposite direction:

LDD: Loads value stored at (HL) into (DE). Then, HL, DE, and BC are decremented.
not affected
not affected
reset if BC becomes zero, set otherwise
not affected
CPD: Compares the accumulator with the value stored at (HL). Then, HL, and BC are decremented.
affected by A - (HL)
affected by A - (HL)
reset if BC becomes zero, set otherwise
not affected

And rounding out the family, each of those four has a version that automatically repeats itself.

LDIR: Loads value stored at (HL) into (DE). Then, HL and DE are incremented, and BC is decremented. This process continues until BC = 0.
not affected Z
not affected P/V
reset C
not affected
Loads value stored at (HL) into (DE). Then, HL, DE, and BC are decremented. This process continues until BC = 0.
not affected Z
not affected P/V
reset C
not affected
Compares the accumulator with the value stored at (HL). Then, HL is incremented, and BC is decremented. This process continues until BC = 0, or the zero flag is set (A = (HL)).
affected by final A - (HL) Z
affected by final A - (HL) P/V
reset if BC becomes zero, set otherwise C
not affected
Compares the accumulator with the value stored at (HL). Then, HL and
BC are decremented. This process continues until either BC = 0, or
the zero flag is set (A = (HL)).
affected by final A - (HL) Z
affected by final A - (HL) P/V
reset if BC becomes zero, set otherwise C
not affected

Now you know the only string operations directly supported by the instruction set. How you use them, that’s the topic of the rest of this chapter.

Moving Strings

To move a string from one place to another, you need only LDIR or LDDR.
Let’s move 2000 bytes of data from address $8000 to address $D000.

                LD     HL, $8000                LD     HL, $8000+1999
                LD     DE, $D000                LD     DE, $D000+1999
                LD     BC, 2000                 LD     BC, 2000
                LDIR                           LDDR

The main reason there is an instruction for both directions is for when the source and destination blocks overlap.
If we tried to copy 1000 bytes from $1000 to $1005 with LDIR:

    LD     HL, $1000
    LD     DE, $1005
    LD     BC, 1000

If we could look at memory as LDIR is processing, it would look like this:


Pass\Address $1000 $1001 $1002 $1003 $1004 $1005 $1006 $1007 $1008
Start C7 A1 D1 37 66 2B 0C 30 1D
1 C7 A1 D1 37 66 C7 0C 30 1D
2 C7 A1 D1 37 66 C7 A1 30 1D
3 C7 A1 D1 37 66 C7 A1 D1 1D

You should be able to see that the data from $1005 onwards is being corrupted. The end result is the bytes $1000 to $13EC holding the pattern C7A1D13766 C7A1D13766….. In order to do this properly, we’ve got to use LDDR and do the copying at the other end:

    LD     HL, $13E7
    LD     DE, $13EC
    LD     BC, 1000
Pass\Address $13E4 $13E5 $13E6 $13E7 $13E8 $13E9 $13EA $13EB $13EC
Start 12 EF 3A 4C ?? ?? ?? ?? ??
1 12 EF 3A 4C ?? ?? ?? ?? 4C
2 12 EF 3A 4C ?? ?? ?? 3A 4C
3 12 EF 3A 4C ?? ?? EF 3A 4C

Eventually, the original data will again get corrupted, but it doesn’t matter ‘cuz it’s already been copied over. Likewise, if the destination address is greater than the source address, you use LDIR as normal.

On the other hand, the “wrong” method can be used to load a value to every byte in a string. Here we’re zeroing every byte of AppBackupScreen.

    LD     HL, AppBackupScreen
    LD     DE, AppBackupScreen+1
    LD     BC, 768        ; 768 bytes in AppBackupScreen
    LD     (HL), 0        ; Set first byte to zero

This can be modified to create a string of any repeating pattern. Even though SP can do that three times as fast, only LDIR can be used for a string with an odd number of elements. LDIR is also a little “cleaner”.

Exchanging Strings

If you want to exchange two strings of the same size, all you need is LDI and a little thought:

;Exchange length-prefixed string at $6000 with string at $8000
    LD     DE, $6001        ; Skip length byte
    LD     HL, $8000
    LD     B, 0
    LD     C, (HL)
    INC    HL              ; Skip length byte
    LD     A, (DE)          ; Preserve (DE)
    LDI                    ; (HL) -> (DE)
    DEC    HL              ; Move HL back
    LD     (HL), A          ; Complete the exchange
    INC    HL              ; Restore HL for next LDI
    JP     PE, XchgLoop     ; If LDI set P/V, continue

String Length

With a length-prefixed string, finding the length is trivial. For a null-terminated string, the process is decidedly more involved. This is where CPIR comes in.

; Get the length of the null-terminated string starting at $8000
    LD     HL, $8000
    XOR    A               ; Zero is the value we are looking for.
    LD     B, A             ; Since we haven't the slightest clue as to the 
    LD     C, A             ; actual size of the string, put 0 in BC to search
                           ; 65, 536 bytes (the entire addressable memory space).
    CPIR                   ; Begin search for a byte equalling zero.

; BC has been decremented so that it holds -length. Now need to synthesize a NEG BC.
    LD     H, A             ; Zero HL (basically set it to 65, 536) to get the
    LD     L, A             ; number of bytes
    SBC    HL, BC           ; Find the size. CPIR doesn't affect carry.
    DEC    HL              ; Compensate for null.

Converting String Types

Sometimes, you might want to convert a null-terminated string to a length-prefixed string, or vice versa. Here is how to convert NTBS to LBPS. The inverse operation is almost identical.

; INPUT    HL = Address of null-terminated string
; OUTPUT   HL = Address of place to put length-prefixed string

    PUSH   HL              ; Source is needed later.
    XOR    A               ; Length-determining code from previous section.
    LD     B, A
    LD     C, A
    LD     H, A
    LD     L, A
    SBC    HL, BC

    LD     A, L             ; We will assume that the string is no bigger than 255 bytes.
    LD     B, H             ; Put size in BC.
    LD     C, L
    POP    HL              ; Restore HL.
    ADD    HL, BC           ; Point HL at the end of the string.
    LD     D, H             ; Point DE at the end of the string.
    LD     E, L
    DEC    HL              ; Move HL back one byte.
    LDDR                   ; Move every character forward one byte.
    LD     (DE), A          ; Put length in.

Comparing Strings

;IN    HL     Address of string1.
;      DE     Address of string2.
;OUT   zero   Set if string1 = string2, reset if string1 != string2.
;      carry  Set if string1 > string2, reset if string1 <= string2.

    PUSH   HL
    PUSH   DE

    LD     A, (DE)          ; Compare lengths to determine smaller string
    CP     (HL)            ; (want to minimize work).
    JR     C, Str1IsBigger
    LD     A, (HL)

    LD     C, A             ; Put length in BC
    LD     B, 0
    INC    DE              ; Increment pointers to meat of string.
    INC    HL

    LD     A, (DE)          ; Compare bytes.
    JR     NZ, NoMatch      ; If (HL) != (DE), abort.
    INC    DE              ; Update pointer.
    JP     PE, CmpLoop

    POP    DE
    POP    HL
    LD     A, (DE)          ; Check string lengths to see if really equal.
    CP     (HL)

    DEC    HL
    CP     (HL)            ; Compare again to affect carry.
    POP    DE
    POP    HL

Other String Functions

Okay, so here is how to implement the most common string functions in assembly:

Copies part of one string into another.
Finds the offset of the first occurence of one string in another.
Inserts one string into another.
Removes characters from a string.
Joins two strings.

Other functions, like reversing, converting to upper or lowercase, and creating a string composed of entirely the same character are too simple to go into detail here. You should be able to write them with both hands tied behind your back (provided you’re proficient in nose-typing :-).

If you want to have a crack at making any of these routines yourself, you should skip the remainder of this day, because that’s all there is left. If you don’t think you can cut it, or you want to check what you came up with, then follow along.


;IN   HL   Address of source string, length-prefixed.
;     DE   Address of destination string, length-prefixed.
;     B    Start index. 1 = first character.
;     C    Length of substring to return.
;OUT  carry    Set if an error condition happened:
;                If B is zero, then uses index of 1.
;                If index > source length, an empty string is returned.
;                If index + return length > source length, returns all
;                characters from index to end-of-string.
    PUSH   DE        ; It would be convenient to keep DE pointing to
                     ; the start of the destination string
    OR     A         ; Boolean OR resets carry
    PUSH   AF        ; Save carry
    LD     A, B       ; Is index beyond source length?
    CP     (HL)
    DEC    A         ; Decrement A so NC can be used
    JR     NC, ReturnEmpty

    ADD    A, C       ; If index+len is > 255, error
    JR     C, TooLong
    INC    A         ; Increment A so C can be used
    CP     (HL)      ; If index+len is beyond source length, then error
    JR     C, OkaySoFar

    POP    AF        ; Set carry flag
    PUSH   AF
    LD     A, (HL)    ; Get source length
    SUB    B         ; Subtract start index
    INC    A         ; Compensate
    LD     C, A       ; New size of string

    LD     A, C       ; Size of sting to get
    LD     (DE), A    ; Save length index
    INC    DE        ; To body of string
    LD     A, B       ; Get index
    LD     B, 0       ; Zero-extend BC for LDIR

    ADD    A, L       ; This is a sneaky way to add A to HL
    LD     L, A       ; without using up another 16-bit register
    ADC    A, H       ;
    SUB    L         ;
    LD     H, A       ;

    LDIR             ; Copy substring over
    POP    AF        ; Restore flags
    POP    DE        ; Restore destination

    XOR    A         ; Set a length index of zero
    LD     (DE), A
    POP    AF        ; Clean off stack and set carry
    POP    DE


;IN  HL       Address of string to look in, length prefixed.
;    DE       Address of string to find, length prefixed.
; If found:
;    A        Offset into look-up string where the target string was found.
;             The first byte (ignoring length prefix) is offset 1.
;    carry    Reset.
; If not found:
;    A    = 0
;    carry    Set.

    LD     A, (DE)    ; Abort if string to find is too big
    CP     (HL)
    INC    A
    JR     NC, Abort

    DEC    A         ; Save length of string to find
    LD     IXL, A

    LD     B, 0       ; Put length of string to search in BC
    LD     C, (HL)

    INC    HL        ; Advance pointers
    INC    DE
    PUSH   HL        ; Save start of search string

    PUSH   DE        ; Save start of key string

    LD     A, IXL     ; Initialize matched characters counter
    LD     IXH, A

    LD     A, (DE)    ; Get a character to match
    CPIR             ; Look for it
    JR     NZ, NotFound    ; Abort if not found

    DEC    IXH       ; Update counter and see if done
    JR     Z, Found

    INC    DE        ; Get next character in key string
    LD     A, (DE) 
    CPI              ; See if it matches next char in master
    JR     Z, Loop
    JP     PO, NotFound    ; Abort if we ran out of characters

    POP    DE        ; If a mismatch, restart from the beginning
    JR     Restart

    POP    DE        ; Clean stack
    POP    HL

    XOR    A         ; Report failure

    POP    DE
    POP    BC        ; BC = address of master

    XOR    A         ; Put size of key string in DE
    LD     D, A
    LD     E, IXL

    SBC    HL, DE     ; Find index
    SBC    HL, BC    
    LD     A, L
    INC    A


; IN   HL      Address of string to be inserted
;      DE      Address of string to receive insertion
;      C       Index. Start of string is 0
;  If successful:
;      carry   Reset
;      HL      Input DE
;  If unsuccessful:
;      carry   Set. If new string length is > 255.
; Notes        If index > string length, string is appended.
;              Data after the string is destroyed.

    LD     A, (DE)    
    LD     B, A

    INC    A
    CP     C
    JR     NC, IndexIsOkay
    LD     C, B

    DEC    A
    ADD    A, (HL)
    RET    C
    LD     (DE), A    ; Update length

    PUSH   DE        ; Make room
    PUSH   HL
    LD     A, (HL)
    INC    C

    LD     H, 0
    LD     L, C
    ADD    HL, DE

    LD     D, H
    LD     E, L
    PUSH   AF
    ADD    A, E
    LD     E, A
    ADC    A, D
    SUB    E
    LD     D, A
    POP    AF

    LD     B, 0
    LD     C, A
    PUSH   HL

    POP    DE        ; Copy string over
    POP    HL
    LD     C, (HL)
    INC    HL
    POP    HL


; IN  HL       Address of string.
;     B        Index of first character to delete. First character is 0.
;     C        Number of characters to kill.
;  If successful:
;     carry    Reset
;  If unsuccessful:
;     carry    Set
; Notes        If B > string length, then error.
;              If B + C > string length, deletion
;              stops at end of string.

    LD     A, B       ; See if index is too big
    CP     (HL)
    CCF              ; Flip for error
    RET    C

    ADD    A, C       ; See if too many chars on chopping block
    CP     (HL)
    JR     C, IndexIsOkay

    INC    B         ; Set index as length
    LD     (HL), B

    PUSH   HL
    LD     A, (HL)
    SUB    C
    LD     (HL), A
    INC    HL
    LD     E, C
    LD     C, B
    LD     B, 0
    ADD    HL, BC

    SUB    C
    LD     C, E
    LD     D, H
    LD     E, L
    ADD    HL, BC
    LD     C, A

    POP    HL


; IN    HL       Address of first string.
;       DE       Address of second string.
;  If successful:
;       carry    Reset
;  If unsuccessful:
;       carry    Set
; Notes        If new string lenght is > 255, error.
;        HL is saved.

    LD     A, (DE)     ; Combine lengths
    ADD    A, (HL)
    RET    C
    LD     C, (HL)
    LD     (HL), A

    LD     B, 0
    INC    C
    PUSH   HL
    ADD    HL, BC
    EX     DE, HL
    LD     C, (HL)
    INC    HL

    POP    HL