Day 27: String and Numerical Input

There are times when you would like to get input from the user, but you need something more subtantial than a single keypress. In a game program, for example, the player has gotten a high score and they want to enter their name. By the end of today we will have a moderately complex routine to more or less do what we want.


The first question we should ask ourselves is, “how should this routine work?” As it turns out, there are a few techniques that the routine can be based upon. For the first version of our input routine (we will be adding features to it later), our goals are:

  • Use _GetCSC to read a keypress.
  • Accept letters only.
  • Has echo (user sees the characters as he types them) using the large character set.
  • Once accepting a key, the letter it corresponds to is stored in a buffer in RAM.
  • Should stop after some number of characters are input. 48 seems okay.
  • Once it stops, write a zero to the buffer to indicate the end.

From this simple checklist we can make a rough outline of how the code should be structured.

  1. Initialize the buffer pointer.
  2. Set the buffer counter to zero.
  3. Setup cursor coordinates
  4. Invoke GetCSC.
    • If there wasn’t a key pressed,
      1. Goto “D”.
    • If there was a key pressed,
      1. If the key pressed was ENTER, Write a zero and END.
      2. If the buffer is full, Goto “D”.
      3. Convert the key to the letter it represents.
      4. Write the letter to the buffer.
      5. Write the letter to the screen with PutC.
      6. Goto “D”.

We now have a rough idea of how the code should be ordered. We should now think about how to implement each point of the outline in assembly. Since we are using some of the TIOS system routines, it would be wise to know what are the side effects of using them. Most of the routines will alter one or more registers, and this will have an impact on register use in our code.

  • GetCSC: destroys AF and HL
  • PutC: destroys no registers

Building It Up

Initialize the buffer pointer

For now, let’s locate our buffer at TextShadow. We will maintain a pointer into this buffer to direct where inputted characters are to be stored. The best place to put this pointer is in HL.

buffer  .EQU TextShadow

     LD    HL, buffer

Set the buffer counter to zero.

We’ll store the number of characters input in B.

#define BUFSIZE  48

    XOR   A
    LD    B, A

Setup cursor coordinates

We want the cursor position to start in the first column to maximize usage of horizontal space. We will leave CurRow alone. We could set it to some value, but the routine doesn’t really care, and the programmer might not like characters appearing at a random location on screen, overwriting important information.

    LD    (CurCol), A

Invoke GetCSC. Because GetCSC destroys HL, we have to preserve its value.

    EX    DE, HL
    EX    DE, HL

If there wasn’t a key pressed, Goto “D”.

Taking advantage of the fact that GetCSC returns zero if no key was pressed, we can use OR A to check this, and jump to the GetCSC if the Z flag is set. Make a note to put a label before GetCSC.

    OR    A
    JR    Z, KeyLoop

If the key pressed was ENTER, Write a zero and END.

Of course we want the user to be able to tell the routine that he’s finished. He can do this by pressing the ENTER key. It doesn’t have to be ENTER, but this choice will be more intuitive to the user.

    CP    skEnter
    JR    NZ, NotEnter
    LD    (HL), 0


If the buffer is full, Goto “D”.

We have to make sure that no more than the maximum number of characters will be input since we haven’t made the buffer big enough to hold them.

    LD    C, A
    LD    A, B
    JR    Z, KeyLoop
    LD    A, C

Convert the key to the letter it represents.

Comparing a table of GetCSC’s scan codes and a table of character ASCII codes each key represents (looking at the green letter above each key). It can be seen that the two have no simple relationship. In this case, a lookup table will be used to do the conversion.

From the scan code table, we see that all the letter keys are between $0A and $2F. We will want to reject all keys that are outside this range.

    SUB   skAdd
    JR    C, KeyLoop
    CP    skMath - skAdd + 1
    JR    NC, KeyLoop

We used a SUB here because of the nature of arrays. The first element in all arrays is referenced with an index of zero. Since our input domain starts with $0A, we subtract that number to “massage” the input to something more compatible. If this wasn’t done, we would have to fill the first eleven entries of the look-up table with a garbage value.

Now the code to convert the character and the contents of the look-up table. We have to be careful here because the scan codes are not always sequential, and there are some keys that have no letter assigned to them. We’ll make these keys result in boxes.

    PUSH  HL
    LD    H, 0
    LD    L, A
    LD    DE, CharTable
    ADD   HL, DE
    LD    A, (HL)
    POP   HL

.DB   $27, "WRMH", $FF, $FF      ; + - × ÷ ^ undefined
.DB   "?", $5B, "VQLG", $FF, $FF  ; (-) 3 6 9 ) TAN VARS undefined
.DB   ":ZUPKFC", $FF, $FF       ; . 2 5 8 ( COS PRGM STAT
.DB   " YTOJEB", $FF, $FF       ; 0 1 4 7 , SIN APPS XTθn undefined
.DB   "XSNIDA"               ; STO LN LOG x2 x-1 MATH

Write the letter to the buffer, update pointers and counters.

The character is in A and the place to put it to is in HL.

    LD    (HL), A
    INC   HL
    INC   B

Write the letter to the screen


Goto “D”

And do it all over again.

    JR    KeyLoop

Version 1 — The Basics

With all the little tasks complete, all that must be done is to combine them into one routine.

#define BUFSIZE  48
buffer    .EQU TextShadow

    RES   AppTextSave, (IY + AppFlags)
    LD    HL, buffer     ; Init pointer
    XOR   A
    LD    B, A           ; Init character counter
    LD    (CurCol), A

    EX    DE, HL         ; Get a character
    EX    DE, HL
    OR    A             ; If no character recieved, restart
    JR    Z, KeyLoop

    CP    skEnter      ; If [ENTER] pressed, exit
    JR    NZ, NotEnter

    LD    (HL), 0       ; Null-terminate buffer

    LD    C, A          ; Save input char temporarily
    LD    A, B          ; See if max number of characters input
    JR    Z, KeyLoop
    LD    A, C          ; Restore char

    SUB   skAdd        ; Throw out all keys below [+]
    JR    C, KeyLoop
    CP    skMath - skAdd + 1    ; Throw out all keys above [MATH]
    JR    NC, KeyLoop

    PUSH  HL           ; Convert scan code into character
    LD    H, 0
    LD    L, A
    LD    DE, CharTable
    ADD   HL, DE
    LD    A, (HL)
    POP   HL

    bcall(_PutC)      ; Echo it

    LD    (HL), A       ; Write char to buffer
    INC   HL          ; Increment pointer
    INC   B           ; Increment char counter

    JR    KeyLoop

.DB  "'WRMH", 0, 0            ; + - × ÷ ^ undefined
.DB  "?", LTheta, "VQLG", 0, 0  ; (-) 3 6 9 ) TAN VARS undefined
.DB  ":ZUPKFC", 0            ; . 2 5 8 ( COS PRGM STAT
.DB  " YTOJEB", 0, 0          ; 0 1 4 7 , SIN APPS XTθn undefined
.DB  "XSNIDA"               ; STO LN LOG x2 x-1 MATH

Reading from the Buffer

Now that we have read a string, we want to process the characters input. The desired routine to do this will return the next character in the buffer. For this we will require another variable that tracks at which address the next character is in. This variable will need to be initialized in GetStr (which will be done in version 2).
It is also vital that this routine be robust enough to handle an empty buffer. It will do this through the carry flag: reset means a character was returned, set means the buffer was empty.

    PUSH  HL
    LD    HL, (buf_ptr)  ; buf_ptr is our pointer variable
    LD    A, (HL)
    OR    A
    SCF                 ; Set carry to indicate error status
    JR    Z, GetChar_Done

    INC   HL            ; Update buffer pointer
    LD    (buf_ptr), HL
    OR    A             ; Reset carry to indicate success status

    POP   HL

It would also be useful to have an inverse routine, one that “ungets” characters from the buffer. We might use such a routine in a case like inputting numbers digit-by-digit, and stopping input when the first non-digit character is read. That character might be part of subsequent data, and should be returned.
The unget routine has a very simple concept: since the characters are always in the buffer, the buffer pointer only needs to be decremented. There should also be a check to make sure we don’t go past the start of the buffer.

    PUSH  HL
    PUSH  DE
    LD    HL, (buf_ptr)
    LD    DE, buffer     ; See that the buffer pointer is not
    bcall(_CpHLDE)     ; at the start of the buffer
    SCF                 ; Set carry to indicate error status
    JR    Z, Ungetc_Done
    DEC   HL
    LD    (buf_ptr), HL
    OR    A             ; Reset carry to indicate success status

    POP   DE
    POP   HL

Version 2 — Editing

We now have the bare bones of a string input engine. It’s time to go back over GetStr and see what optimizations can be done and what additions we might like to have. We know we have to initialize the variable buf_ptr, but while we’re at it, let’s add some kind of editing capabilities.

We’ll allow two ways to edit the inputted string:

Pressing the DEL key will backspace over the last character input.
Pressing the CLEAR key will wipe out every input character.


Looking at the routine as a whole, notice that nowhere is DE really used. We will take advantage of this by tracking the buffer pointer with DE. We can now use HL for general addressing.

Initialize buf_ptr.

This variable has to be allocated and should be initialized at the start of the program.


We will implement a backspace as follows:

  • Check that there is actually a character to delete. If there isn’t, abort.
  • Decrement CurCol.
  • Display a space to erase the previous character. Use PutMap so that cursor position is not affected.
  • Decrement the buffer pointer.
  • Decrement the buffer counter.


A wipeout will be done like this:

  • Check that there are characters to delete. If not, abort.
  • Put zero in CurCol.
  • Display a space for each character in the buffer.
  • Reset the buffer pointer.
  • Reset the buffer count.

There can be instances where the user’s input spans several lines. In this case, if more than fifteen characters are input, the cursor position will be on a row other than the origin. We need to be able to take care of this. The updated code looks like this:

#define BUFSIZE  48
buffer   .EQU TextShadow
buf_ptr  .EQU buffer + BUFSIZE + 1
    RES   AppTextSave, (IY + AppFlags)
    LD    DE, buffer       ; Init pointer    LD    (buf_ptr), DE
    XOR   A
    LD    B, A             ; Init character counter
    LD    (CurCol), A

    bcall(_GetCSC)       ; Get a character.
    OR    A               ; If no character received, restart
    JR    Z, KeyLoop

    CP    skEnter         ; If [ENTER] pressed, exit
    JR    NZ, NotEnter

    XOR   A               ; Null-terminate buffer
    LD    (DE), A    RET

    CP    skDel           ; If [DEL] key pressed, backspace
    JR    NZ, NotDel

    LD    A, B             ; See that there is a character to delete
    OR    A
    JR    Z, KeyLoop       ; If not, restart

    LD    HL, CurCol       ; Save value of CurCol
    LD    A, (HL)
    DEC   (HL)            ; Decrement cursor column

    OR    A               ; If original column was zero, should back up one row
    JR    NZ, DidNotCrossLine
    LD    (HL), 15         ; Set cursor to last column
    DEC   HL              ; Go back one row
    DEC   (HL)

    DEC   DE              ; Backup one char in buffer
    DEC   B               ; Decrease char counter
    LD    A, ' '           ; Erase char on screen
    bcall(_PutMap)       ; without affecting position
    JR    KeyLoop
    CP    skClear         ; If [CLEAR] pressed, everything must die!!!
    JR    NZ, NotClear

    LD    C, B             ; Divide characters input by 16
    SRA   C               ; to determine how many rows the input spans
    SRA   C
    SRA   C
    SRA   C

    LD    HL, CurRow
    LD    A, B             ; See if there are any characters to clear
    OR    A
    JR    Z, KeyLoop

    LD    A, (HL)          ; Backup to the start of input
    SUB   C
    LD    C, A
    LD    (HL), A

    INC   HL              ; Go to first column
    LD    (HL), 0
    LD    A, ' '
    bcall(_PutC)         ; Draw spaces to clear everything
    DJNZ   ClearLoop      ; Will reset char counter

    LD    (HL), B          ; Reset column to zero
    DEC   HL              ; Reset row to original value
    LD    (HL), C
    LD    DE, buffer       ; Reset buffer pointer
    JR    KeyLoop

NotClear:    LD    C, A             ; Save input char temporarily
    LD    A, B             ; See if at max characters input
    JR    Z, KeyLoop
    LD    A, C             ; Restore char

    SUB   skAdd           ; Throw out all keys below [+]
    JR    C, KeyLoop
    CP    skMath - skAdd + 1    ; Throw out all keys above [MATH]
    JR    NC, KeyLoop

    PUSH  DE              ; Convert scan code into character    LD    H, 0
    LD    L, A
    LD    DE, CharTable
    ADD   HL, DE
    LD    A, (HL)
    POP   DE
    bcall(_PutC)         ; Echo it

    LD    (DE), A          ; Write char to buffer
    INC   DE              ; Increment pointer    INC   B               ; Increment counter
    JR    KeyLoop

.DB  $27, "WRMH", $FF, $FF        ; + - × ÷ ^ undefined
.DB  "?", $5B, "VQLG", $FF, $FF    ; (-) 3 6 9 ) TAN VARS undefined
.DB  ":ZUPKFC", $FF             ; . 2 5 8 ( COS PRGM STAT
.DB  " YTOJEB", $FF, $FF         ; 0 1 4 7 , SIN APPS XTθn undefined
.DB  "XSNIDA"                  ; STO LN LOG x2 x-1 MATH

Version 3 — Shift Keys

Our current input routine is somewhat limited in ability, it can only deal with alphabetic characters. What we will now do is modify it so that the user can toggle between alpha keys and normal keys.

How to do this? The simplest way is to have two lookup tables, one for alpha, the other for normal. We will toggle between the two modes using the ALPHA key, and store the current mode in the system flag ShiftAlpha.

#define BUFSIZE  48
buffer   .EQU TextShadow
buf_ptr  .EQU buffer + BUFSIZE + 1
    RES   AppTextSave, (IY + AppFlags)
    RES   ShiftAlpha, (IY + ShiftFlags)    LD    DE, buffer       ; Init pointer
    LD    (buf_ptr), DE
    XOR   A
    LD    B, A             ; Init character counter
    LD    (CurCol), A

    bcall(_GetCSC)       ; Get a character.
    OR    A               ; If no character received, restart
    JR    Z, KeyLoop

    CP    skEnter         ; If [ENTER] pressed, exit
    JR    NZ, NotEnter

    XOR   A               ; Null-terminate buffer
    LD    (DE), A
    RES   ShiftAlpha, (IY + ShiftFlags)    RET


    CP    skAlpha
    JR    NZ, NotAlpha

    LD    HL, Flags + ShiftFlags
    LD    A, (HL)
    XOR   1 << ShiftAlpha     ; Toggle state of ShiftAlpha flag
    LD    (HL), A
    JR    KeyLoop
NotAlpha:    CP    skDel           ; If [DEL] key pressed, backspace
    JR    NZ, NotDel

    LD    A, B             ; See that there is a character to delete
    OR    A
    JR    Z, KeyLoop       ; If not, restart

    LD    HL, CurCol       ; Save value of CurCol
    LD    A, (HL)
    DEC   (HL)            ; Decrement cursor column

    OR    A               ; If original column was zero, should back up one row
    JR    NZ, DidNotCrossLine
    LD    (HL), 15         ; Set cursor to last column
    DEC   HL              ; Go back one row
    DEC   (HL)

    DEC   DE              ; Backup one char in buffer
    DEC   B               ; Decrease char counter
    LD    A, ' '           ; Erase char on screen
    bcall(_PutMap)       ; without affecting position
    JR    KeyLoop
    CP    skClear         ; If [CLEAR] pressed, everything must die!!!
    JR    NZ, NotClear

    LD    C, B             ; Divide characters input by 16
    SRA   C               ; to determine how many rows the input spans
    SRA   C
    SRA   C
    SRA   C

    LD    HL, CurRow
    LD    A, B             ; See if there are any characters to clear
    OR    A
    JR    Z, KeyLoop

    LD    A, (HL)          ; Backup to the start of input
    SUB   C
    LD    C, A
    LD    (HL), A

    INC   HL              ; Go to first column
    LD    (HL), 0
    LD    A, ' '
    bcall(_PutC)         ; Draw spaces to clear everything
    DJNZ   ClearLoop      ; Will reset char counter

    LD    (HL), B          ; Reset column to zero
    DEC   HL              ; Reset row to original value
    LD    (HL), C
    LD    DE, buffer       ; Reset buffer pointer
    JR    KeyLoop

    LD    C, A             ; Save input char temporarily
    LD    A, B             ; See if at max characters input
    JR    Z, KeyLoop
    LD    A, C             ; Restore char

    SUB   skAdd           ; Throw out all keys below [+]
    JR    C, KeyLoop
    CP    skMath - skAdd + 1    ; Throw out all keys above [MATH]
    JR    NC, KeyLoop

    PUSH  DE              ; Convert scan code into character
    LD    DE, CharTable
    BIT   ShiftAlpha, (IY + ShiftFlags)
    JR    NZ, AlphaMode
    LD    DE, NormalTable

AlphaMode:        LD    H, 0
    LD    L, A
    LD    DE, CharTable
    ADD   HL, DE
    LD    A, (HL)
    POP   DE
    bcall(_PutC)         ; Echo it

    LD    (DE), A          ; Write char to buffer
    INC   DE              ; Increment pointer    INC   B               ; Increment counter
    JR    KeyLoop

.DB  $27, "WRMH", $FF, $FF        ; + - × ÷ ^ undefined
.DB  "?", $5B, "VQLG", $FF, $FF    ; (-) 3 6 9 ) TAN VARS undefined
.DB  ":ZUPKFC", $FF             ; . 2 5 8 ( COS PRGM STAT
.DB  " YTOJEB", $FF, $FF         ; 0 1 4 7 , SIN APPS XTθn undefined
.DB  "XSNIDA"                  ; STO LN LOG x2 x-1 MATH

.DB  "+-*/^", $FF, $FF           ; + - × ÷ ^ CLEAR undefined
.DB  "_369)", $C1, "]", $FF       ; (-) 3 6 9 ) TAN VARS undefined
.DB  ".258({};"                ; . 2 5 8 ( COS PRGM STAT
.DB  "0147, <>|", $FF            ; 0 1 4 7 , SIN APPS XTθn undefined
.DB  $05, "!@#%&"               ; STO LN LOG x2 x-1 MATH

A Cursor

A blinking cursor’ll make our input engine look just extra tricked out. All you need to know about the workings are:

  • The cursor will be shown if CurOn, (IY + CurFlags) is set.
  • The system interrupt uses the value of (CurTime) to blink the cursor. When this variable hits zero, the status of CurOn is flipped and (CurTime) is reset to $32.
  • Force the cursor off when DEL and CLEAR are pressed.
  • Force the cursor on when ALPHA or a valid key is pressed, and also after you have cleared a character or a line.

The included program demo27.8xp will show you more or less what you should aim for.

Numerical Input

We can use GetStr to input numbers in addition to strings. To do this we input the number as a string and process it depending on what kind of number we are looking for. What follows are four routines that you can use to convert an ASCII representation of a number to its binary counterpart for decimal and hexadecimal. Each routine has an 8-bit version and a 16-bit version.

As for the details on each routine,

  • The 8-bit ones output their result to C and the 16-bit ones output to HL.
  • An error occurs if an invalid bit, digit, or hexit is encountered.
  • The error status is reported in the carry flag. Set means an error occured.
  • Conversion is finished upon encountering a space or when the buffer is exhausted.
  • For decimal, only the first digits without overflow are used. E.g. “70000” results in 7000 for 16-bit and 70 for 8-bit. The trailing zeros are left in the buffer.
  • For hexadecimal, only the last digits entered are used. E.g. “4C3A024” results in $A024 for 16-bit and $24 for 8-bit. The preceding characters are lost.

ASCII-Encoded Decimal to Register C

.module    ConvDec8
    LD    C, 0

    CALL  GetChar
    CCF             ; End if no more characters
    RET   NC

    SUB   '0'       ; Throw out all characters below '0'
    JR    C, _Check

    CP    10        ; Throw out all characters above '9'
    RET   C

    LD    D, A       ; Save value in D
    LD    A, C       ; Load running total
    CP    26        ; Halt if there would be an overflow (260+)
    JP    NC, Ungetc ; Return gotten character

    LD    E, C       ; Save current number in case of overflow
    ADD   A, A       ; Multiply by 10
    ADD   A, A
    ADD   A, C
    ADD   A, A
    ADD   A, D       ; Add gotten character

    LD    C, A       ; Halt if overflow (256 to 259)
    JR    NC, _Loop

    LD    C, E
    JP    Ungetc

    CP    ' ' - '0' ; If a space is encountered exit without error
    RET   Z

ASCII-Encoded Hexadecimal to Register C

.module    ConvHex8
    LD   BC, 0

    CALL  GetChar
    JR    C, _Check

    CP   ' '
    JR    Z, _Check

    SUB   '0'
    RET   C

    CP    10
    JR    C, _Okay         ; Not a hexit in the range A-F

    CP    'F' - '0' + 1   ; Throw out all characters above 'F'
    RET   C

    CP    'A' - '0'       ; Throw out all characters between '9' and 'A'
    RET   C
    SUB   7               ; Make A-F into 10-15

    PUSH  AF
    LD    A, C             ; Multiply running total by 16
    ADD   A, A
    ADD   A, A
    ADD   A, A
    ADD   A, A
    OR    C               ; Add in character
    LD    C, A
    INC   B
    JR    _Loop

    LD    A, B
    OR    A
    RET   NZ

ASCII-Encoded Decimal to Register HL

.module    ConvDec16
    LD    HL, 0
    LD    B, H

    CALL  GetChar
    RET   NC

    SUB   '0'
    JR    C, _Check

    CP    10
    RET   C

    LD    D, H
    LD    E, L
    ADD   HL, HL
    ADD   HL, HL
    ADD   HL, DE
    ADD   HL, HL
    JR    C, _Overflow

    LD    C, A
    ADD   HL, BC
    JR    NC, _Loop

    EX    DE, HL
    JR    Ungetc
    CP    ' ' - '0'
    RET   Z

ASCII-Encoded Hexadecimal to Register HL

.module    ConvHex16
    LD    HL, 0
    LD    C, H

    CALL  GetChar
    JR    C, _Check

    CP    ' '
    JR    Z, _Check

    SUB   '0'
    RET   C

    CP    10
    JR    C, _Okay

    CP    'F' - '0' + 1
    RET   C

    CP    'A' - '0'
    RET   C
    SUB   7

    ADD   HL, HL
    ADD   HL, HL
    ADD   HL, HL
    ADD   HL, HL
    OR    L
    LD    L, A
    INC   C
    JR    _Loop

    LD    A, C